It's all about effectively creating the
right product

90% of all newly launched products
in retail are out again within a year!

I handpicked an alliance of the best
food industry professionals to offer

: Product optimization
: Fast track innovation
: From idea to scale
: Tailormade digital services
build for food businesses
to create and capture value


Sign up for an exclusive 20-minute FREE meeting


I handpicked an alliance of experts with needed complementary disciplines.      Together we effectively offer valuable services build to your specific needs. 


Innovation / Product development

Taste is everything!

But there are also many other drivers to deal with to a successful product. To innovate, validate and optimize products and concepts we teamed up with Trine Hahnemann, chef, food writer and owner of Hahnemanns Køkken. She is one of the most experienced in Denmark to secure both quality, sustainable solutions, organic sourcing and taste. 

Workshop 1: Ideation – A diverse group of food experts, chefs will work with you. Your value:  10 new ideas or concepts in your category 

Workshop 2: Sensory – Taste is everything. An advanced panel of experienced tasters will teach in food appearance, odour, taste and texture – and give hands-on feed back on your products.

Workshop 3: Food trends – Delivered to you based on newest insights and research. 

Workshop 4: Fast track innovation / product development programme    Customized to your needs


Product optimization / Packaging

A well performing packaging is crutial to fullfil the sales potential of any product. Professionals are able to take all important elements into consideration from design, sustainable material, convenience, signal, to sales performance. I have handpicked the best professionals to do the job for you. Together we have customized an affordable design process fitting to your specific needs.

Workshop 1: Design and packaging 

Workshop 2: Product feed-back

Workshop 3: Brand building

Business team having video conference in the conference room

Communication /marketing

Rie Helmer´s passion is to put words to. To help others – you -to find, formulate and convey YOUR good story. 

Your or your company`s message –  cut right to the bone, razor sharp, so that no one is in doubt about exactly who you are and what you can do, neither internally nor externally.

Let´s find your good story. Your message. Your story.

Online workshop 1:

Online workshop 2: 

Face-to-face workshop 3:




Solutions to create & capture value. Go-to-market strategy


Research / Insights Analysis

Implement upon knowledge & good practices. Create knowledge. Advocacy. Barometer


Scale your sales

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Network Stakeholder engagement

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Customers reviews

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Amanda Lee
Ceo & Founder Crix
Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Adam Cheise
Head Of Sales , Intel
Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Adam Cheise
Head Of Sales , Intel



Fie Hansen-Hoeck

Næsten alt for mig handler om bedre og bæredygtig mad – min store passion er demokratiske fødevarer, som leverer kvalitet til mange.         

As former CEO in some of Denmarks largest retailchains I have often witnessed to refuse products access to the consumers. 

Bred og dyb ledelseserfaring fra de største corporate retailers i Danmark (Netto / Salling Group og ISO / Dagrofa). Branche-specialist indenfor FMCG, FoodTech og fødevarer 

Innovativ forretningsudvikler og specialist i “kreativ” eksekvering af strategi og partnerskaber i forbrugerorienterede industrier, hvor også internettet og ny teknologi fylder og driver meget af forandringen. Intuitiv tilgang til arbejdet med fokus på kundeoplevelsen og “produktet” i mange kanaler, segmenter, i forskellige brancher både BtB og BtC. 

Jeg er desuden medstifter og medejer af food tech virksomheden Fooducer. 

Professionelt bestyrelsesmedlem.

Kompetencer: Fødevarebranchen, Forbrugerindsigt, Produkt- og sortiments-strategi, Bredt branchenetværk 



Is to help more fantastic sustainable products to be accessable to more people.  

As producing food is complicated and hard to keep track of we need to join forces across stakeholders and competences to help better food for more people. 

Values: Sustainability, Transparency, democratizing food

Too many products are wasted, lost in “translation”  because time and money ran out before they reached the consumers. To make it worthwhile to produce food we need to share competences across stakeholders giving the producers a bigger share of the value chain they can make a living of. 

Without their passion, ability and willingness to produce decent and sustainable products we have nothing!

Selection of clients

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Phone: + 45 2830 3234
Producters ApS
Nørre Farimagsgade 58, 1. tv.
1364 Copenhagen K

Cvr: 10134064
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Want to find customers and sell more?

Go to Fooducer!
When you want to meet new customers or find new suppliers. Fooducer is the only solution on the market that combines matchmaking with product management. One-stop platform for scaling your food business.

Thanks to:

Bo Linnemann / Kontrapunkt                    
Mikkel Siercke /
Marie-Louise Jersin-Nissen
Anthony Aconis / Fireball

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